Welcome to our website, The Old West Stories!

We feature stories and books about real Cowboys, Buckaroos,Vaqueros,Indians and more who played a part in our western history. These are not the most famous people, but include little known characters important to our western heritage.

Starting with Henry Harris, conceived a slave in Texas, who became a wagon boss (foreman)in Nevada - where cowboys sought work just for a chance to work with the legendary Henry Harris. You can purchase Les Sweeney's book, Henry Harris, Legendary Black Vaquero here.
A description of Henry Harris from the book - "In the tradition of the old time Spanish Vaquero Henry dressed up. Vest, silk neckerchief or tie was the norm for those Vaqueros of the early days. They took a lot of pride in their dress, their horses and their gear. Henry was no different. When you rode into Henry’s camp you knew who was boss, you didn’t have to ask."
Les Sweeney's latest book about a real incident in the old west is now available...

In 1911 Nevada, a Native American family is massacred. The white newspapers,law enforcement and community viewed the incident as a masscre by the Indian family. Only one of the family survived. This is her story and an exploration of how she came to be a sole survivor. Go here to read an excerpt from her story.